Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Test of Motherhood

As unmotherly as it sounds, the act of motherhood is a serious test in life. I have always been told by the leaders of our church that patience is a virtue. That quote bothers me. I find myself wanting to snap back "A virtue I do not posses!"

When I feel like my children are testing me and I am at my wits end I look back to the 2010 talk of President Dieter F. Uchtdoft on continuing our patience. He is a wealth of knowledge, one of my favorite church speakers. I always look forward to hearing, or reading him because there is never an ounce of disappointment.

"Nevertheless, without patience, we cannot please God; we cannot become perfect. Indeed, patience is a purifying process that refines understanding, deepens happiness, focuses action and offers hope for peace.""These attributes will give you strength and wisdom in magnifying your callings, in preaching the gospel, in fellowshipping quorum members, and in giving the most important priesthood service, which is indeed within the walls of your own homes."

Motherhood is a calling. While it may not be a church calling, it is one of the most rewarding callings many of us sisters will ever have in life. It is not supposed to be easy. Our children are put here to try us, and teach us lessons. 

"We will have genuine joy and happiness only as we learn patience."--Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin, Ensign, May 1987, 30

Relief Society always provides us with these messages and lessons. But nothing can really prepare you for the journey of motherhood. Patience... it is something you will not make it without.

Patience will provide you with the success to teach your children the gospel.
Patience will provide you the will to walk in the light of Christ.
Patience will reward you with the gift of Earthly children and an Earthly family.
Patience will reward you with the opportunity to together with your family for Eternity.

When I ever second guess myself or my strength, I always go back to words of the Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley  (My favorite Prophet) 

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