Then one of the inspirational accounts I follow re-tweeted a message from someone else. The tweet came from a user that goes by the handle InGodITrust and the message was:
The Government does not take care of you lazy liberals, the American Tax Payers do. Do not bite the hand that feeds you.#tcot#foxnews#gop
I don't know that the hashtags are about, or if there is a news story on Fox News about the topic but it bothered me. On a couple different levels. Not just as a Liberal but as an American tax payer. A tay payer that probably pays more than the average American in taxes on a yearly basis.
I do not complain that lazy people are leaching off of welfare programs. I am grateful the programs are put in place to help those who are less fortunate. There are always going to be lazy people who break the law and lie to receive these benefits but that doesn't make them liberal.
The fact of the matter is everyone is hurting. As business owners, my husband and I have lost a lot. We have had to lay off employees. We have had to cut back on spending and make tough decisions. But I am not blaming the victims of unemployment who need to feed their families and have a roof over their head.
Jesus was liberal. Extremely liberal if you look at his actions. He is an example of charity on so many levels.
Paul said:
You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully. 2 Corinthians 9:7
Taxes are part of life no matter how much we all hate them. It is what our Heavenly Father wants us to do. This is another reason I give so willingly when I provide my tithing to my church.
The revelation the Prophet Joseph Smith gave us through the Doctrine ad Covenants says:
1–5, The Saints are to pay their surplus property and then give, as tithing, one-tenth of their interest annually; 6–7, Such a course will sanctify the land of Zion.
There is no question this is what we should be doing.
The political point in this I would like to make is the drastic disparities in what the above twitter user said. When we look at the states in America and the rates of welfare recipients, states that identify themselves as red or are in the Bible Belt have much higher rates of welfare recipients. It is ignorant to assume all of those welfare leaches are Republican. Although it is a safe assumption that a large percentage identifies themselves as Republicans.
Enough casting of stones. The point is if the user really trusted in God, he wouldn't have an issue with those who are in the place in their lives to receive a form of welfare. We need not be the judge and jury for these souls. The only person who can Judge is our Lord and Savior. Not some man masquerading as a Christian on twitter.
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