Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sunday = No Computer Time

I take my Sunday's seriously. When it comes to almost everything.

I make sure I don't need to go to the store, I have no plans other that church based activities, our children do not partake in any sports or activities that will bring them outside of our home on Sunday. Overall I mean business about keeping the Sabbath Day Holy.

My children don't get it yet, but I hope some day they will. They are often ticked off at me because I say no to random wants on Sunday.

"But Mommy! Johnny invited me over!"
"Honey, nothing has changed. It is Sunday, and you still cannot play on Sunday"

This is where I typically get the I hate being Mormon or my friends think I am weird because I am Mormon. This makes me extremely sad because of the lack of tolerance other children have for religion or religions different than theirs. But it kind of burns my biscuits that parents aren't addressing this with their children.

There are so many scriptures that tell us to keep the Sabbath. In the 59th section of the Doctine and Covenants verse 9 tells us:

"And that thou mayest more fully keep thyself unspotted from the world, thou shalt go to the house of prayer and offer up thy sacrement upon my holy day"

We have come a long way from when these prophecies were given to Joseph Smith but the words do not change in meaning.

President Spencer W. Kimball (one of my favorite Presidents of all time) said:

"The Sabbath contemplates quiet tranquility, peace of mind and spirit. It is a day to get rid of selfish interests and absorbing activities"

Selfish interests... and absorbing activities.

This to me has translated to giving up things I enjoy on Sunday. I am sure other people look at it differently though, and that is always alright.

The biggest thing I have decided to give up on Sunday is the computer. I just keep it off. I don't turn on my laptop or check my e-mail. I step away from whatever is interesting to me on the computer for the week or month and spend quality time with my family.

It is a small sacrifice. But it is a worthy sacrifice to me.
It makes my Sunday more sacred.
It sets and example to my children that they are not the only ones giving up something they enjoy.

We love the Lord and he loves us. He will reward us for our sacrifies no matter the size.

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