My husband had to take days off from work for the children, I spent a night in the hospital from extreme dehydration, I just was flat out sick.
I know virtually nobody reads my little tiny blog here, but I thought I owed some kind of an explanation as to why I just went off the radar. I am looking forward to getting back on the horse, but I am going to pace myself.
I don't want to get burnt out on a project that is supposed to be fun and a hobby.
Trials like this are something we are destined to deal with.
"Some might ask when faced with such suffering, how could Almighty God let this happen? And then that seemingly inevitable question, why did this happen to me? Why must we experience disease and events that disable or call precious family members home early or extend their years in pain? Why the heartaches? At these moments we can turn to the great plan of happiness authored by our Heavenly Father. That plan, when presented in the pre-earth life, prompted us all to shout for joy. Put simply, this life is training for eternal exaltation, and that process means tests and trials. It has always been so, and no one is spared."
—Elder Ronald A. Rasband, "Special Lessons", General Conference, Apr. 2012
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